DNN News


Is 2021 the year of the upgrade?

31 Mar, 2021 | Return|


A small business in the UK is successfully hacked every 19 seconds. In fact, according to the insurer Hiscox, almost one in three UK small businesses suffered a cyber breach last year.

It is a sobering thought and one that should ring alarm bells for businesses whose websites have fallen into disrepair.

Data breaches can be extremely costly and it is estimated that Global cybercrime is expected to inflict a total of $6 trillion USD in damages in 2021. This presents a bleak picture and should urge website owners to do everything they can to avoid getting attacked. One way this can be done is through the upgrading of website modules, plugins and themes.

Why Upgrade?

Upgrading to newer versions of DNN can help a website perform better against Google’s core web vitals standards. This is because they are designed to be better suited to mobiles and provide extra security measures, and both of these are key metrics which Google uses to rank a website. 

Older versions of DNN, such as 7.4.1 and older, contain a serious vulnerability threat which hackers can exploit. These versions allow a malicious attacker to log in to your site as an administrator user. Once in they have access to the whole site and can cause serious damage.

The best way to solve problems like this is to upgrade to the latest possible version for your website, as soon as possible. 

Upgrading a website can help with:

Security: Creating an online system where sensitive customer information is secure will present your website as a safe place to visit. Every time a new version of DNN is released, the security is enhanced. 

Accessibility on mobile devices: With more users visiting sites through mobile devices, it is vital that your website is mobile friendly, especially if you know you receive a significant amount of traffic from that source. Newer versions of DNN help more with the implementation of responsive site design than older ones do.

Improved loading speed: Slow loading speed is the number one reason for a high bounce rate. If you have a lot of outdated modules and themes on your site which slow your pages down, visitors will not hesitate in leaving and going somewhere else. Having the latest technology can help improve page loading times.

What we offer

Here at DyNNamite we provide an upgrade service for any version of DNN. We have the skills and knowledge required to carry out your upgrade so that you can take full advantage of any new functionality or improved security that the next version of DNN will provide. 

With ever increasing online competition it is clear that having your website operating to the highest quality possible is vital. Upgrading your website to the next version of DNN suitable to you is one crucial way this can be done.

In an earlier article we discussed how recent periods of restriction and lockdown have also increased opportunities for cybercrime. Having an up to date website is one possible way of protecting it from attacks, again demonstrating the importance of carrying out a DNN version upgrade. 

We will be dedicated to ensuring that your upgrade request runs seamlessly, with the process itself carried out on a copy of your website, hosted separately in a safe developer area. Only once the upgrade is complete – including the replacement of modules and themes that would not work on a newer platform – is the new version of the website pushed live, in the place of the outdated one.

Please contact us at any time for our advice and support on DNN version upgrades. 

About the Author


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